Search Term
4 66.67% doug
1 16.67% kat822 is a bitch
1 16.67%
But what was even more entertaining is what I found when I actually googled
Kat822 is a bitch.....
Sweet my web nemesis is living up to her reputation
So I decided to look at my key word analysis and came up with some interesting stuff of my own ....
1 0.99% dad.fuck.litter.boy ---whoooooooh what the hellz
1 0.99% mark stebbins ferndale blog ----what the fuck this is my blog wankers, look at me damn it not mark stebbins!
1 0.99% have you ever seen your roommate jerk off? --- ok why do I get these search results? I've never blogged about anything remotely near that, oh wait there is that one post ..damn it.
1 0.99% dog shit neighbors --- glad to see I am not the only one with this problem
1 0.99% thongs ride-up-in-the-crack --- seriously is this an issue people, it's a thong
Ok people share your weird key word analysis